August 31, 2015 – In our last episode of August, we introduce you to our first History Author Show correspondent: Amanda Read. Amanda Read grew up across the States and overseas as an Army brat before her family settled on Fair Hill Farms in Alabama. She graduated from Troy University Magna Cum Laude in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science in History and a minor in Political Science. She’s done voice-over work on previous shows, performing dramatic readings from war diaries and the letters of First Lady Dolley Madison.
Amanda has a love of old fashioned things, from dipping pens to vintage dresses. She even dresses her horse in period tack. She is passionate about two historical figures in particular: Isaac Newton and Harvey Wiley. Keep up with Amanda’s wide range of work at,, or on Twitter @SincerelyAmanda.
While we’re meeting Amanda, we also enjoy her first interview: A chat with Jim Leeke, author of Matty Boy: A Civil War Novel for Young Readers. Amanda seemed perfect for this conversation. She not only counts both Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee as ancestors, but she’s the eldest of nine children. We’ll also hear from Jim Leeke again on a book for adults: Nine Innings for the King: The Day Wartime London Stopped for Baseball, July 4, 1918.
You can follow Jim on Twitter @9Innings4King, or visit his website at
Additional Books discussed in this episode:
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