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Christian Di Spigna – Founding Martyr: The Life and Death of Dr. Joseph Warren

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June 29, 2020 – Doctor. Major General. Hero of the American Revolution. Martyr who spilled his lifeblood fighting the British at Bunker Hill. And yet most of us have never heard of him.

Our guide on this journey is Christian Di Spigna, who brings us Founding Martyr: The Life and Death of Dr. Joseph Warren, the American Revolution’s Lost Hero. Christian Di Spigna is a regular speaker and volunteer at Colonial Williamsburg, and an expert on the history of the era with a real passion for bringing the Revolution to life.

Visit him at or Martyr1776 on Twitter.

Since Dr. Warren stoked the flame of liberty in taverns, we also discussed my interview with Robert Norden at The ’76 House in Tappan, New York. It’s America’s oldest restaurant, and a spot where all the major Continentals — including George Washington — spent time and took their meals.

It’s also where the patriots held Benedict Arnold’s British conspirator, Maj. John André, on the evening before his execution, as we discussed with Selene Castrovilla in her illustrated book, Revolutionary Rogues: John André and Benedict Arnold.